• FR

EnsoDedup solution

Keep your contact database clean

If a database has more than 5% duplicates, decisions based on the analysis of the database will be wrong and can have important consequences for the company.

Why choose the EnsoDedup solution?

Duplicates in a database can impact different processes and services:

  • IT service: Storage, maintenance and management costs of a database increase significantly due to duplicate records.

  • Decision-making process

Database queries with multiple entries of the same data lead to errors in the generated reports.This reduces the reliability of the reports and the decisions based on them.

  • Data consistency

Which data is correct and up-to-date? When duplicates are recorded, the data may be different and recorded in the wrong table depending on the source.

  • Marketing performance

Lack of consistency and frequency of messages sent to customers, poor customer experience, duplicate action costs.

  • Sales and CRM activities

Customer knowledge is dispersed. The recording of actions, contacts, and companies can be duplicated. Loss of a unified view of the customer.

Maintaining a coherent, clean and up-to-date database requires regular cleaning through the use of optimization solutions (EnsoB2B or EnsoFinScore), data verification (EnsoEmailEnsoPhone) as well as the removal of duplicate data with EnsoDedup.

How does the EnsoDedup solution work?

First step : Data management

Data processing and normalization: RNVP processing (Restructuring, Normalization, Postal Validation) of postal addresses, normalization of phone numbers, verification of the validity of email addresses

Second step: Processing

Second step: An algorithm is used to calculate a proximity score for each type of data: last name, first name, postal address, email, telephone…

Third step: Calculation

Calculation of a global similarity/veracity score of the database

Fourth step: Identification

Identification of the most relevant “Master” data to keep

The databases are constantly evolving as a result of the various marketing and commercial activities of the company. Therefore, deduplication is an operation that will need to be regularly performed in order to maintain consistent, up-to-date, and usable data for all departments.

Use cases