Poor-quality data: the leading cause of ABM program failure

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Target high-potential accounts through hyper-personalized sales and marketing to accelerate growth. This is the objective of Account-Based Marketing (ABM), a technique that is making inroads in France after a long evangelization phase. While the adoption rate is soaring, the results are not. In particular unreliable data that impacts the targeting and relevance of the content put forward.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): hype tempered by mixed results in France

Faced with the emergence of a new, better-informed and more demanding "super-buyer" persona, B2B companies are challenge their sales action for maintain their competitiveness and win market share after the pandemic parenthesis. The craze for Sales Enablement (+343% adoption rate over the last five years*) and theABM (94.2% in 2021 vs. 77% in 2019**) illustrates this dynamic perfectly. In France, the ABM has clearly emerged from the evangelization phase and is gradually establishing itself as a powerful lever for attracting high-potential accounts. The launch of the French barometer of strategic account marketing supports this view. It reveals that ABM adoption rate stands at around 55% in France... but the results remain mixed. In fact, only 30% of French companies surveyed said they were "more or less satisfied" with the sales results generated by their Account-Based Marketing sequences. Overall, French professionals rate ABM at 6 out of 10... feedback that clearly contrasts with the results reported across the Atlantic. :
  • 87% of marketers believe thatABM outperforms other marketing activities (Rollworks)
  • Companies with a mature ABM strategy attribute 79% of their sales opportunities and 73% of their total revenue to Account-Based Marketing (Terminus).
  • 30% of marketers who deploy ABM campaigns engage twice as many decision-makers and senior executives (Sirius Decisions).

Low-quality data... the ABM's kryptonite

This is the main conclusion of the "RevOps Reality Check" study (Openprise). " Poor-quality data is the kryptonite of ABM campaigns : with inaccurate information, organizations risk targeting out-of-market accounts and giving priority to the wrong prospects. Missing out on a high-value prospect means a loss of revenue. Targeting an account that is unlikely to buy is a total waste of resources. ".

Bad Data triggers unnecessary ABM sequences

Every account approached as part of an ABM campaign is the subject of a time-consuming, energy-intensive and costly Sales - Marketing focus:
  • in-depth work on "customer knowledge",
  • creation of ultra-personalized, even personal, content,
  • high-level copywriting,
  • detection of weak signals and intentional data, etc...
Biased data can trigger unnecessary ABM sequences, with a substantial impact on sales and marketing ROI. A vicious circle then sets in: ABM fails to generate the expected results, and teams struggle to release budgets from top management to refine the approach, leading to even more disappointing results. What's more, Gartner explains that Key Account Managers lack resources, and 76% rely on personal relationships with colleagues to "keep the ABM wheel turning"..

Which data to feed ABM campaigns?

By definition, Account-Based Marketing requires a substantial pool of Data, since it implies a high degree of personalization. A distinction must be made here between contact data and so-called "behavioral" data:
  • Identification data : this includes firmographic data (company name, activity, size, sales) and contact information for decision-makers and influencers in the decision-making sphere (surname, first name, position, telephone number, email address, location, etc.).
  • Behavioral data : this includes data on the target account's engagement, on the specifics of its business sector, on the technological solutions used in-house, on purchase intent, etc.
Data cleansing is even more decisive in ABM than in inbound strategies, for two reasons: the resources deployed to approach a target account are greater, and the list of high-potential accounts is not unlimited. Roger Wilks, CMO of Quantum Marketing (ABM provider for Oracle, SAP and Fujitsu), is categorical: " Your ABM program is doomed to failure if you don't have solid data. With approximate data [...], you will have invested in a program that doesn't even come close to achieving the initial objectives, let alone the expected benefits and ROI ".

Reliable data for ABM performance

Corporate databases contain between 15% and 25% of unusable information. Results This means lost time, lost revenue, damaged brand image and lower ROI from email campaigns, cold calling and ABM. Feed your ABM campaigns with unique, reliable, actionable data, and maximize your chances of signing strategic accounts with our Data Quality solutions! * According to a study relayed on G2 Leany ! ** According to State of Account-Based Marketing Report