At DATA ENSO, in addition to our API solutions, we offer another type of data processing that is generally used in "curative" mode.

Batch processing enables us to process all or part of your data on a one-off basis and to carry out the desired checks.

What is a Batch treatment?

When batch processing is used, data is analyzed in data slices. Typically, these processes are carried out at "slow" periods of activity for the company: end of day, end of week or end of month. This type of process is commonly used at various levels: monthly processing of a company's invoices, processing of bank data, processing of an image or photo bank, etc.

All data is first recorded in a master document, then standardized, sorted, analyzed and processed according to expectations.

Batch processing is used extensively in the IT industry, as it enables certain tasks to be automated.

Batch processing in computing?

In computing, batch processing is defined as the automation of a set of commands carried out in succession on a computer without the intervention of a third party.

This autonomous processing is generally used for recurring or one-off tasks involving a large volume of data and several analyses on the same data.

To optimize each process, the initial file (format, standardization of information, column headings) must correspond to the expected technical specifications in order to optimize it and ensure a valid result. Otherwise, the result will be erroneous, costing you time and money.

Batch processing of your files can only be carried out within our system.

RGPD regulations are strict on the subject, an email exchange of this type of file containing information that could be of a personal nature is totally prohibited.

To carry out this processing, we suggest transferring your files via a so-called FTP repository on one of our secure servers dedicated to this activity.

FTP stands for File Transfert Protocol.

It is used to transfer files of various sizes between a computer and a server.

This transfer can take place in both directions.

As easy as it is to download files from the Internet, it would be difficult to upload files without the FTP protocol.

With this protocol, you can connect to different servers and copy files to them (in either direction). This makes it possible to save or send files to remote servers without using the Web (remember that the Web and the Internet are not the same thing: How the Internet works: Internet and the Web: are they the same thing? )

When the client sends a file to the server, it's called an "upload", and when the client downloads a file, it's called a "download". (This notion of upload and download is also found when you check your online speed: you are shown the speed of your Internet connection in both directions, and as you may know, this speed is not equal in both directions).

When your account is created, we generate an access code to our FTP server, which is your unique key to access our services, securing all our exchanges. This key, supplied by e-mail, can be deactivated at any time if inappropriate use or illicit intrusion attempts are detected.

A set-up fee (or commissioning fee) will be invoiced when this Batch protocol is set up, corresponding to the mutualization of our development and maintenance costs and the setting up of an infrastructure dedicated to your company.