Reliable customer data: a complete guide to optimal management

make customer data more reliable

Having an accurate view of your customers, enriching your knowledge of prospects and maximizing the potential of each contact are the foundations of an effective data strategy. Find out how to make your customer data more reliable to boost your business.

Personal data: Scraping, buying files... what does the law say?

purchasing files

While the RGPD has harmonized the legal framework for the purchase of files and personal data in the European Union, it has not necessarily provided direct and definitive answers to certain questions that remain in the gray area, such as Scraping and the purchase of files containing scrapped data. Let's take a look...

How do data validation solutions ensure RGPD compliance for companies?

data validation

The accuracy principle of the General Data Protection Regulation has received little media coverage, as CNIL publications on the subject are relatively discreet. 

Yet, like all the principles of the RGPD, it conditions business compliance. Neglecting it means running the risk of colossal fines that can reach 20 million euros or 4% of sales.

E-commerce: customer loyalty depends on the quality of your data

customer loyalty

Whether the economy is sluggish or booming, it's loyal customers, and therefore your customer loyalty strategy, that present the best sales opportunities, in B2B and B2C alike.
In these uncertain times, customer loyalty is a challenge. That's why 25% of sales professionals have prioritized existing customers over prospecting for new ones in 2022, according to HubSpot.

The Importance of Data Quality in CRM

data quality in crm

French companies have adopted CRM on a massive scale, but are still struggling to exploit its full potential. Indeed, too many of them are still simply using it as a contact book, or feeding it with (very) poor quality data, with the well-known consequences for business (see our article here).
CRM in France: massively adopted but largely under-exploited
The French CRM market is booming, driven in particular by

Ecommerce: 5 techniques for optimizing the online payment experience


All French ecommerce indicators are up, despite a relatively uncertain economic climate. This is the main conclusion of FEVAD's latest report, which explains that "all the indicators seem to be in the green". For the second quarter of 2023 :
Sales up 8.3% year-on-year, to 39.3 billion euros
The number of transactions rose by 5.3%, with 571 million recorded.
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Postal address validation: what are the benefits for delivery and customer satisfaction?

More than two-thirds of French people say they read and keep the mail they receive through postal marketing campaigns, which is 5 times more than the average email open rate. This is the main conclusion of a TNS Sofres - Mediapost survey, which documents the solid performance of direct mail, a channel that some consider "obsolete" in the digital age.
What if your sales performance was just waiting for a round-the-clock mailing campaign?

E-commerce: focus on "Data" points of vigilance during the ordering, shipping and delivery stages

e-commerce - data

In the modern distribution chain, every step from order to delivery is interconnected and intertwined. All it takes is one incorrect piece of data (email, postal address, telephone number) to trigger a cascade of costly errors that damage your brand image, competitiveness and sales performance.
In this article, Data Enso details the Data vigilance points in the distribution chain, and offers you a case study to quantify the impact of such errors.

Customer experience and data quality: 3 case studies

Data accuracy is a critical factor in meeting the challenge of personalization. Data entry errors, incorrect product classification or invalid email addresses will sooner or later result in a frustrating customer experience and a gradual decline in sales performance.
In this article, Data Enso explores three concrete cases that illustrate how data quality issues can affect the customer experience.
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How does Data Quality maximize sales performance in physical stores?

In the age of omnichannel commerce, where the boundaries between digital and physical are becoming increasingly blurred, the quality of customer data is becoming a strategic issue for physical stores. The accuracy and reliability of information, particularly postal addresses, are no longer mere administrative details, but key criteria that impact the scope of marketing initiatives and sales performance.
In this article, Data Enso explores the challenges and opportunities