How can you improve your conversion rate with Data Enso's email verification tools?

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Despite the changing marketing landscape marked by the rise of LinkedIn, conversational marketing and videoconferencing solutions, email marketing remains a major player in sales performance. However, its effectiveness depends on one critical factor: data reliability.

In fact, corporate databases often contain between 15% and 25% of entries that are unusable as they stand (incorrect, incomplete or obsolete data). These errors result in wasted time, a drop in marketing ROI, a deterioration in corporate image and, ultimately, a negative impact on sales results. To remedy this, rigorous management of email address quality is essential. And that's where email verification comes in, both in real time and in curative mode.

Email marketing, a decisive tactic for your sales performance

With the hegemony of LinkedIn, the revival of conversational marketing (WhatsApp Business, Live Chat, chatbots...), the online shopping craze (B2B and B2C) and the emergence of videoconferencing solutions, the end of email marketing has been prophesied a good half-dozen times since the mid-2000s.

But this marketing channel hasn't been all resistance. It has consolidated its place in the marketing toolbox, both for lead generation and nurturing, and for maximizing Customer Lifetime Value through cross-selling and up-selling... with figures to back it up(source):


      • 40% of B2B marketers consider email marketing to be " a crucial tactic for their success ", and 79% say that email is the most effective channel for delivering content;

      • 59% of B2B marketers consider email to be their primary revenue-generating channel;

      • 80% of professionals say that email marketing improves customer retention, and 59% of buyers agree that email marketing influences their decision.

    But it's undoubtedly in terms of conversion rate that email impresses most. Indeed, on average, 4.24% of leads from an email campaign go on to purchase, compared with 2.49% for visitors from search engines, and barely 0.59% for those from social networks. This is undoubtedly why 30% of marketers consider email marketing to be the tactic with the best ROI... but you still need to make sure you're working with the right emails from your leads!

    Email verification: an essential lever for securing conversion rates

    When it comes to converting contacts into leads, leads into customers or one-shot customers into repeat customers, every detail counts. An undelivered email or one sent to an invalid address is a missed opportunity... but it's also a blow to the reputation of your domain name and an additional cost that erodes the ROI of your marketing actions. Every email address in your database must be duly checked, both when it is entered, and at regular intervals afterwards, to ensure that it is still up to date.

    #1 Real-time email verification and conversion rate

    Recipient engagement, message deliverability and targeting accuracy are all factors that influence the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign. Upstream of these parameters, real-time email verification acts as a catalyst, guaranteeing the integrity of your database.

    Maximizing conversion potential by guaranteeing data quality

    Real-time email verification takes place when addresses are collected. The idea is to ensure the validity and existence of each address before it is entered into the database. This proactive approach eliminates invalid or fraudulent addresses from the outset, as well as disposable emails, ensuring that every potential prospect is truly "reachable" and "convertible". This maximizes the efficiency of your marketing resources and the conversion potential of each campaign.

    Preserving deliverability and sender reputation

    A high bounce rate can damage your domain's reputation in the eyes of e-mail service providers, negatively impacting the deliverability of your messages. By eliminating incorrect addresses as soon as you register, real-time verification preserves your reputation as a sender and ensures optimal deliverability. Please note: a blacklisted domain name will be very difficult to rehabilitate.

    Improved targeting thanks to data enrichment

    In addition to validating the email address, real-time verification can also provide additional relevant information, such as geographical location, account type (business or private) or even the gender of the recipient, if this information is relevant to your business.

    This data helps refine the segmentation of your prospect base, enabling more precise targeting and greater personalization of your messages. This granular approach fosters greater recipient engagement and, ultimately, a higher conversion rate.

    Real-time email verification is therefore essential not only as a control mechanism, but also as a proactive conversion optimization strategy.

    #2 Curative email checking: vital maintenance to keep conversion rates high

    Curative email verification is part of your regular database maintenance. This practice specifically targets inactive or obsolete addresses in your existing database, and ensures that your communications always reach active inboxes. Here's how this maintenance can consolidate or improve your conversion rates.

    Preserving sender reputation and optimizing deliverability

    Repeatedly sending emails to non-existent or inactive addresses can lead to a deterioration in your reputation as a sender, as explained above. This translates into a gradual decline in the deliverability of your emails, reducing the number of prospects who actually receive your offers. By eliminating these problematic addresses from your database with curative verification, you maintain a good sender reputation and ensure optimal deliverability.

    More precise campaign analysis for a refined strategy

    A database polluted with inactive or obsolete addresses can skew your campaign statistics. Your data will distort the interpretation of performance and lead to biased strategic decisions. On the other hand, a database regularly cleaned by curative verification guarantees more reliable data for more accurate campaign analysis. These insights are decisive for adjusting your marketing strategies and identifying the levers for improving your conversion rate.

    Maximize the effectiveness of your marketing resources

    By sending emails to inactive or non-existent addresses, you're needlessly wasting valuable marketing resources, especially in uncertain times. With curative verification, you can be sure of redirecting these resources to active, contactable prospects.

    EnsoEmail: make your data your number one conversion ally

    To support companies in their Data Quality Management efforts, Data Enso has developed a series of powerful, intuitive and RGPD-compliant tools. In the area of email verification, we offer EnsoEmail, THE solution for getting straight to your prospects' and customers' inboxes.

    You'll be able to optimize lead acquisition through integration with your online forms (via API), and make your databases more reliable with our file processing service (Batch). EnsoEmail guarantees a 99% reliability rate by performing :


        • Syntax checking of emails: we make sure that each email address is structured correctly, eliminating typing errors right from the source;

        • A domain name check: we verify that each domain is active and able to receive emails;

        • SMTP test: we check communication with the mail server to ensure that each email can be delivered successfully;

        • Identification of disposable or temporary emails: we eliminate ephemeral addresses so that your database is populated with real, lasting prospects;

        • Typo correction: we rectify common errors to recover valid addresses that would otherwise have been lost.

      Find out more about EnsoEmail and its various use cases, or contact us for a demo.