7 resolutions to keep in 2024 to boost your business

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In 2024, Data can make or break your sales performance. We're convinced of it.

To pave the way to engagement, lead generation, conversion and sales, we've prepared your 7 Data resolutions for this year... and we'll guide you through how to honor them in the service of your business.

Resolution #1: I target my marketing campaigns with precision

In 2024, I'm committed to refining my marketing campaigns by mobilizing data of impeccable quality to target exactly the audiences who will be receptive to my messages.

Between 25% and 33% of your data becomes obsolete every year. So it's imperative that you work on your existing database to clean it up and bring it up to date. Subsequently, you'll need to ensure that the new data entered on your contact forms is reliable, so that every new entry in your database is correct and ready for use.

Once you have your own, up-to-date and organized Data capital, you'll be able to segment in the best possible way, for example according to the amount and frequency of past purchases, product preferences, the rate of engagement with marketing communications, and so on.

Once you've grouped your customers into segments that make sense for your business, you can design a campaign tailored to each segment. The impact on your engagement KPIs will be HUGE, compared with a blind group shot.

Resolution #2: I deduplicate my database

I undertake to permanently clean my database of duplicates to ensure clear communication and avoid any confusion.

Your databases are constantly evolving as a result of different marketing and sales initiatives. They can therefore accumulate duplicates for several reasons:

  • A customer is registered several times at different contact points or at different times. For example, a customer who registers on your website and then later in-store may be registered twice if the systems are not synchronized.
  • Merging two databases from different sources or systems. Each system may have its own entry for the same individual or item, with minor variations in detail, leading to redundant records once the data has been combined. Sometimes, merging is done on the basis of far too general criteria, such as identical first names.
  • Lack of consistent standards for data entry (use of hyphens, date formats, addresses) can result in multiple records for the same element.
  • Human errors during data entry, such as typos, oversights or creating a new entry instead of modifying an existing one, can create duplicates, especially if data validation is insufficient.

Working with a database that accumulates duplicates means :

  • Losing money: storage, maintenance and management costs for an unnecessarily massive database + sending the same communication several times to the same person + spending time identifying the problem when the recipient asks for help
  • Degrading customer experience by sending the same message several times to the same recipient, who becomes frustrated and unsubscribes
  • Dispersing customer knowledge, because your customers' data is stored on different duplicates of your CRM. You won't develop the customer knowledge that makes all the difference.
  • Bias all reporting and make decisions based on erroneous data.

Resolution #3: I go the extra mile to personalize my communications

I am committed to enriching my customer data to go even further in the personalization of my communications and respond precisely to the needs of each of my customers.

To ignore personalization is simply to shoot yourself in the foot, as the figures show:

  • 89% of marketers claim to generate a positive ROI on their personalization actions(according to an Adobe study) 
  • 3 out of 4 decision-makers are " convinced that personalization is essential to success "(Twilio study)
  • According to Statista, personalization enables marketers to make better product recommendations (46%), improve customer service (46%) and send better-performing mailings (36%).
  • 80% of consumers say they are willing to share their personal data in exchange for personalized, advantageous offers(Sailthru)
  • 66% of consumers say they would never hesitate to switch brands if they felt they were being treated " like a number rather than an individual "(Salesforce).

In practice, companies rarely have complete databases. Enrichment is therefore an indispensable part of your toolbox for taking that extra step in personalizing your marketing efforts.

Resolution #4: I put an end to input errors in my contact forms

I'm committed to stopping the hemorrhage of data entry errors from the contact form onwards, to protect my database and ensure the reliability of my Data capital.

Verifying the data entered on contact forms is often relegated to the background, when it exists at all. And yet, all the work done upstream by marketing to get a lead to fill in the form falls by the wayside if the contact details entered are incorrect, particularly in terms of email address, postal address or telephone number.

Prospecting and nurturing can't take place, and the economic and reputational implications are significant (returned parcels, connection data not received, customer unreachable, etc.).

To ensure the reliability of the data arriving on your database, set up a guardrail at the form level to verify each piece of data entered by your lead in real time. In this way, you can optimize your resources, boost the deliverability of your messages, improve the user experience and preserve your reputation.

Resolution #5: I measure the performance of each marketing channel

I am committed to using reliable data to evaluate the performance of each marketing channel and to directing my budget towards the most profitable ones.

Every euro spent must contribute effectively to achieving your business objectives, all the more so in an uncertain economic climate. Marketing is now omnichannel in essence, with several social networks, emailing, SEO, SEA, etc. With reliable data, you'll be able to measure the real performance of each channel to make the right trade-offs and allocate your budgets rationally and dynamically.

Experimentation will be at the heart of this resolution. When we trust our data, we're willing to test new channels, formats and messages, and learn from each campaign to stay in tune with audience trends and preferences.

Finally, with solid Data capital, we will be able to deploy an integrated view of performance across all channels. Data will be consolidated to offer a holistic view of the impact of marketing efforts across the board, for informed decision-making.

Resolution #6: Yes to automation, but not at any price

I'm committed to feeding my marketing automation systems with reliable data to avoid off-tracking.

Marketing automation relies on the use of data to make autonomous decisions regarding targeting, content, timing and personalization of interactions. Data quality directly influences the effectiveness of automation, as Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO).

For example, automation systems most often use data-driventriggers to initiate specific actions, such as sending a welcome email after registration. If the "email" field on your form is verified and reliable, your welcome message will arrive in your lead's inbox, and the nurturing cycle can continue without a hitch.

Resolution #7: I make sure my hard-earned leads are reachable

I undertake to collect and maintain a reliable, up-to-date database to ensure that my leads are contactable and responsive over the long term.

The leads you generate are the fruit of consistent Inbound Marketing work. Whether they come from Google, your social networking pages or SEA, the leads you generate need to be reachable by the means that make the most sense for your business: by email, by telephone and/or via their postal address.

To ensure that your hard-earned leads are actually reachable, you will need to :

  • Clean up your existing database and make it more reliable
  • Ensure that the data they enter on your forms is checked in real time
  • Enrichment to fill in missing data
  • Regularly update your database, as it becomes 25% to 33% obsolete every year.

Data Enso, the ZEN solution for your Data

It's often said that you never keep your good resolutions. This year, at least you'll be keeping your Data resolutions!

At Data Enso, we offer you a simple, intuitive and 100% RGPD-compliant tool to clean up all your existing databases (EnsoBatch) and make future data more reliable (EnsoLive).

Objective: make Data the driving force behind your sales in 2024. Put us to the test!